Getting the back ready to roll.
All I am doing here is decking the back face so she is flat.
This picture turned out poorly, but I am pre-warping the plank. I am removing a lot of material off the face, I want it to last a long time without warping. So I am pre-inducing a concave section to offset the material I am going to take from the front.
Plank has been flipped, and machining started on front face.
The start of the tags roughed in
Tag decks finished machined with 1/8 ball end mill, note the radius.
3/4 flat end mill out to clean this up some. pay attention to detail, it matters. These need to look like rivets.
Engraving starts, no sanding yet.
These little suckers are sharp, and will cut you without looking,
What it is actually is a coated 30 degree engraving bit.
V-Carving allows for internal sharp corners.
More to come, keep watching.